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Development Environment


Before getting started you will need the Rust stable and nightly toolchains installed on your system. This is easily achieved with rustup:

rustup install stable
rustup toolchain install nightly --component rust-src

Once you have the Rust toolchains installed, you must also install bpf-linker. The linker depends on LLVM, and it can be built against the version shipped with the rust toolchain if you are running on a linux x86_64 system with:

cargo install bpf-linker

On Debian based distributions, you need to install the llvm-19-dev, libclang-19-dev and libpolly-19-dev packages (suppose LLVM 19 is used).

If you are running macos, or linux on any other architecture, you need to install the newest stable version of LLVM first (for example, with brew install llvm), then install the linker with:

LLVM_SYS_180_PREFIX=$(brew --prefix llvm) cargo install \
    --no-default-features bpf-linker

To generate the scaffolding for your project, you're going to need cargo-generate, which you can install with:

cargo install cargo-generate

And finally to generate bindings for kernel data structures, you must install bpftool, either from your distribution or building it from source.

Running on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal)?

If you're running on Ubuntu 20.04, there is a bug with bpftool and the default kernel installed by the distribution. To avoid running into it, you can install a newer bpftool version that does not include the bug with:

sudo apt install linux-tools-5.8.0-63-generic
export PATH=/usr/lib/linux-tools/5.8.0-63-generic:$PATH

Starting A New Project

To start a new project, you can use cargo-generate:

cargo generate

This will prompt you for a project name - we'll be using myapp in this example. It will also prompt you for a program type and possibly other options depending on the chosen type (for example, the attach direction for network classifiers).

If you prefer, you can set template options directly from the command line, eg:

cargo generate --name myapp -d program_type=xdp

See the cargo-generate.toml file (in the aya-template repository) for the full list of available options.