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Source Code

Full code for the example in this chapter is available here.

What is XDP in eBPF?

XDP (eXpress Data Path) is a type of eBPF program that attaches to the network interface. It enables filtering, manipulation and redirection of network packets as soon as they are received from the network driver, even before they enter the Linux kernel networking stack, resulting in low latency and high throughput.

The idea behind XDP is to add an early hook in the RX path of the kernel, and let a user supplied eBPF program decide the fate of the packet. The hook is placed in the NIC driver just after the interrupt processing, and before any memory allocation needed by the network stack itself.

The XDP program is allowed to edit the packet data and, after the XDP program returns, an action code determines what to do with the packet:

  • XDP_PASS: let the packet continue through the network stack
  • XDP_DROP: silently drop the packet
  • XDP_ABORTED: drop the packet with trace point exception
  • XDP_TX: bounce the packet back to the same NIC it arrived on
  • XDP_REDIRECT: redirect the packet to another NIC or user space socket via the AF_XDP address family


Along with XDP, a new address familiy entered in the Linux kernel, starting at 4.18. AF_XDP, formerly known as AF_PACKETv4 (which was never included in the mainline kernel), is a raw socket optimized for high performance packet processing and allows zero-copy between kernel and applications. As the socket can be used for both receiving and transmitting, it supports high performance network applications purely in user-space.

If you want a more extensive explanation about AF_XDP, you can find it in the kernel documentation.

XDP operation modes

You can connect an XDP program to an interface using the following modes:

Generic XDP

  • XDP programs are loaded into the kernel as part of the ordinary network path
  • Doesn't need support from the network card driver to function
  • Doesn't provide full performance benefits
  • Easy way to test XDP programs

Native XDP

  • XDP programs are loaded by the network card driver as part of its initial receive path
  • Requires support from the network card driver to function
  • Default operation mode

Offloaded XDP

  • XDP programs are loaded directly on the NIC, and executed without using the CPU
  • Requires support from the NIC

Driver support for native XDP

For more information, please visit the Cilium XDP documentation under Drivers supporting native XDP.

Driver support for offloaded XDP

Currently, only the Netronome NFP drivers have support for offloaded XDP.

Example project

Now that you have a little more understanding about XDP, let's follow up with a practical example. We are going to write a simple XDP Program that drops packets incoming from certain IPs.

Setting up the development environment

Make sure you already have the prerequisites.

Since we are writing an XDP program, we will use the XDP template (created with cargo generate):

cargo generate --name simple-xdp-program -d program_type=xdp \

Creating the eBPF component

First, we must create the eBPF component for our program, in this component, we will decide what to do with the incoming packets.

Since we want to drop the incoming packets from certain IPs, we are going to use the XDP_DROP action code whenever the IP is in our blacklist, and everything else will be treated with the XDP_PASS action code.


use aya_ebpf::{
    macros::{map, xdp},

use aya_log_ebpf::info;

use core::mem;
use network_types::{
    eth::{EthHdr, EtherType},

We import the necessary dependencies:

  • aya_ebpf: For XDP actions (bindings::xdp_action), the XDP context struct XdpContext (programs:XdpContext), map definitions (for our HashMap) and XDP program macros (macros::{map, xdp})
  • aya_log_ebpf: For logging within the eBPF program
  • core::mem: For memory manipulation
  • network_types: For Ethernet and IP header definitions


Make sure you add the network_types dependency in your Cargo.toml.

Here's how the code looks:

fn panic(_info: &core::panic::PanicInfo) -> ! {
    loop {}

An eBPF-compatible panic handler is provided because eBPF programs cannot use the default panic behavior.

static BLOCKLIST: HashMap<u32, u32> = HashMap::with_max_entries(1024, 0);

Here, we define our blocklist with a HashMap, which stores integers (u32), with a maximum of 1024 entries.

pub fn xdp_firewall(ctx: XdpContext) -> u32 {
    match try_xdp_firewall(ctx) {
        Ok(ret) => ret,
        Err(_) => xdp_action::XDP_ABORTED,

An eBPF-compatible panic handler is provided, because eBPF programs cannot use the default panic behavior.

static BLOCKLIST: HashMap<u32, u32> =
    HashMap::<u32, u32>::with_max_entries(1024, 0);

Here, we define our blocklist with a HashMap, which stores integers (u32), with a maximum of 1024 entries.

pub fn xdp_firewall(ctx: XdpContext) -> u32 {
    match try_xdp_firewall(ctx) {
        Ok(ret) => ret,
        Err(_) => xdp_action::XDP_ABORTED,

The xdp_firewall function (picked up in user-space) accepts an XdpContext and returns a u32. It delegates the main packet processing logic to the try_xdp_firewall function. If an error occurs, the function returns xdp_action::XDP_ABORTED (which is equal to the u32 0).

unsafe fn ptr_at<T>(
    ctx: &XdpContext, offset: usize
) -> Result<*const T, ()> {
    let start =;
    let end = ctx.data_end();
    let len = mem::size_of::<T>();

    if start + offset + len > end {
        return Err(());

    let ptr = (start + offset) as *const T;

Our ptr_at function is designed to provide safe access to a generic type T within an XdpContext at a specified offset. It performs bounds checking by comparing the desired memory range (start + offset + len) against the end of the data (end). If the access is within bounds, it returns a pointer to the specified type; otherwise, it returns an error. We are going to use this function to retrieve data from the XdpContext.

fn block_ip(address: u32) -> bool {
    unsafe { BLOCKLIST.get(&address).is_some() }

fn try_xdp_firewall(ctx: XdpContext) -> Result<u32, ()> {
    let ethhdr: *const EthHdr = unsafe { ptr_at(&ctx, 0)? };
    match unsafe { (*ethhdr).ether_type } {
        EtherType::Ipv4 => {}
        _ => return Ok(xdp_action::XDP_PASS),

    let ipv4hdr: *const Ipv4Hdr = unsafe { ptr_at(&ctx, EthHdr::LEN)? };
    let source = u32::from_be(unsafe { (*ipv4hdr).src_addr });

    let action = if block_ip(source) {
    } else {
    info!(&ctx, "SRC: {:i}, ACTION: {}", source, action);


The block_ip function checks if a given IP address (address) exists in the blocklist.

As said before, the try_xdp_firewall contains the main logic for our firewall. We first retrieve the Ethernet header from the XdpContext with the ptr_at function, the header is located at the beginning of the XdpContext, therefore we use 0 as an offset.

If the packet is not IPv4 (ether_type check), the function returns xdp_action::XDP_PASS and allows the packet to pass through the network stack.

ipv4hdr is used to retrieve the IPv4 header, source is used to store the source IP address from the IPv4 header. We then compare the IP address with those that are in our blocklist using the block_ip function we created earlier. If block_ip matches, meaning that the IP is in the blocklist, we use the XDP_DROP action code so that it doesn't get through the network stack, otherwise we let it pass with the XDP_PASS action code.

Lastly, we log the activity, SRC is the source IP address and ACTION is the action code that has been used on it. We then return Ok(action) as a result.

The full code:

#![allow(nonstandard_style, dead_code)]

use aya_ebpf::{
    macros::{map, xdp},
use aya_log_ebpf::info;

use core::mem;
use network_types::{
    eth::{EthHdr, EtherType},

fn panic(_info: &core::panic::PanicInfo) -> ! {
    loop {}

static IP_BLOCKLIST: HashMap<u32, u32> = HashMap::with_max_entries(1024, 0);

pub fn xdp_firewall(ctx: XdpContext) -> u32 {
    match try_xdp_firewall(ctx) {
        Ok(ret) => ret,
        Err(_) => xdp_action::XDP_ABORTED,

unsafe fn ptr_at<T>(
    ctx: &XdpContext, offset: usize,
) -> Result<*const T, ()> {
    let start =;
    let end = ctx.data_end();
    let len = mem::size_of::<T>();

    if start + offset + len > end {
        return Err(());

    let ptr = (start + offset) as *const T;

fn block_ip(address: u32) -> bool {
    unsafe { IP_BLOCKLIST.get(&address).is_some() }

fn try_xdp_firewall(ctx: XdpContext) -> Result<u32, ()> {
    let ethhdr: *const EthHdr = unsafe { ptr_at(&ctx, 0)? };
    match unsafe { (*ethhdr).ether_type } {
        EtherType::Ipv4 => {}
        _ => return Ok(xdp_action::XDP_PASS),

    let ipv4hdr: *const Ipv4Hdr = unsafe { ptr_at(&ctx, EthHdr::LEN)? };
    let source = u32::from_be(unsafe { (*ipv4hdr).src_addr });

    let action = if block_ip(source) {
    } else {
    use aya_log_ebpf::info;

    use core::mem;
    use network_types::{
        eth::{EthHdr, EtherType},

    fn panic(_info: &core::panic::PanicInfo) -> ! {
        unsafe { core::hint::unreachable_unchecked() }

    static IP_BLOCKLIST: HashMap<u32, u32> =
        HashMap::<u32, u32>::with_max_entries(1024, 0);

    pub fn xdp_firewall(ctx: XdpContext) -> u32 {
        match try_xdp_firewall(ctx) {
            Ok(ret) => ret,
            Err(_) => xdp_action::XDP_ABORTED,

    unsafe fn ptr_at<T>(
        ctx: &XdpContext, offset: usize
    ) -> Result<*const T, ()> {
        let start =;
        let end = ctx.data_end();
        let len = mem::size_of::<T>();

        if start + offset + len > end {
            return Err(());

        let ptr = (start + offset) as *const T;

    fn block_ip(address: u32) -> bool {
        unsafe { IP_BLOCKLIST.get(&address).is_some() }

    fn try_xdp_firewall(ctx: XdpContext) -> Result<u32, ()> {
        let ethhdr: *const EthHdr = unsafe { ptr_at(&ctx, 0)? };
        match unsafe { (*ethhdr).ether_type } {
            EtherType::Ipv4 => {}
            _ => return Ok(xdp_action::XDP_PASS),

        let ipv4hdr: *const Ipv4Hdr = unsafe { ptr_at(&ctx, EthHdr::LEN)? };
        let source = u32::from_be(unsafe { (*ipv4hdr).src_addr });

        let action = if block_ip(source) {
        } else {
        info!(&ctx, "SRC: {:i}, ACTION: {}", source, action);


Populating our map from user-space

In order to add the addresses to block, we first need to get a reference to the BLOCKLIST map.

Once we have it, it's simply a case of calling ip_blocklist.insert() to insert the ips into the blocklist.

We'll use the IPv4Addr type to represent our IP address as it's human-readable and can be easily converted to a u32.

We'll block all traffic originating from in this example.


IP addresses are always encoded in network byte order (big endian) within packets. In our eBPF program, before checking the blocklist, we convert them to host endian using u32::from_be. Therefore it's correct to write our IP addresses in host endian format from userspace.

The other approach would work too: we could convert IPs to network endian when inserting from userspace, and then we wouldn't need to convert when indexing from the eBPF program.

Let's begin with writing the user-space code:

Importing dependencies

use anyhow::Context;
use aya::{
    programs::{Xdp, XdpFlags},
use aya_log::EbpfLogger;
use clap::Parser;
use log::{info, warn};
use std::net::Ipv4Addr;
use tokio::signal;
  • anyhow::Context: Provides additional context for error handling
  • aya: Provides the Bpf structure and related functions for loading eBPF programs, as well as the XDP program and its flags (aya::programs::{Xdp, XdpFlags})
  • aya_log::EbpfLogger: For logging within the eBPF program
  • clap::Parser: Provides argument parsing
  • log::{info, warn}: The logging library we use for informational and warning messages
  • std::net::Ipv4Addr: A struct to work with IPv4 addresses
  • tokio::signal: For handling signals asynchronously, see this link for more information


aya::Bpf is deprecated since version 0.13.0 and aya_log:BpfLogger since 0.2.1. Use aya::Ebpf and aya_log:EbpfLogger instead if you are using the more recent versions.

Defining command-line arguments

#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
struct Opt {
    #[clap(short, long, default_value = "eth0")]
    iface: String,

A simple struct is defined for command-line parsing using clap's derive feature, with the optional argument iface to provide our network interface name.

Main function

async fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
    let opt = Opt::parse();


    let mut bpf = Ebpf::load(include_bytes_aligned!(
    let mut bpf = Ebpf::load(include_bytes_aligned!(
    if let Err(e) = EbpfLogger::init(&mut bpf) {
        warn!("failed to initialize eBPF logger: {}", e);
    let program: &mut Xdp =
    program.attach(&opt.iface, XdpFlags::default())
        .context("failed to attach the XDP program with default flags - "
                    "try changing XdpFlags::default() to XdpFlags::SKB_MODE")?;

    let mut blocklist: HashMap<_, u32, u32> =

    let block_addr: u32 = Ipv4Addr::new(1, 1, 1, 1).into();

    blocklist.insert(block_addr, 0, 0)?;

    info!("Waiting for Ctrl-C...");

Parsing command-line arguments

Inside the main function, we first parse the command-line arguments, using Opt::parse() and the struct defined earlier.

Initializing environment logging

Logging is initialized using env_logger::init(), we will make use of the environment logger later in our code.

Loading the eBPF program

The eBPF program is loaded using Ebpf::load(), choosing the debug or release version based on the build configuration (debug_assertions).

Loading and attaching our XDP

The XDP program named xdp_firewall is retrieved from the eBPF program we defined earlier using bpf.program_mut(). The XDP program is then loaded and attached to our network interface.

Setting up the IP blocklist

The IP blocklist (BLOCKLIST map) is loaded from the eBPF program and converted to a HashMap. The IP is added to the blocklist.

Waiting for the exit signal

The program awaits the CTRL+C signal asynchronously using signal::ctrl_c().await, once received, it logs an exit message and returns Ok(()).

Full user-space code

use anyhow::Context;
use aya::{
    programs::{Xdp, XdpFlags},
use aya_log::EbpfLogger;
use clap::Parser;
use log::{info, warn};
use std::net::Ipv4Addr;
use tokio::signal;

#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
struct Opt {
    #[clap(short, long, default_value = "eth0")]
    iface: String,

async fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
    let opt = Opt::parse();


    let mut bpf = Ebpf::load(include_bytes_aligned!(
    let mut bpf = Ebpf::load(include_bytes_aligned!(
    if let Err(e) = EbpfLogger::init(&mut bpf) {
        warn!("failed to initialize eBPF logger: {}", e);
    let program: &mut Xdp =
    program.attach(&opt.iface, XdpFlags::default())
        .context("failed to attach the XDP program with default flags - "
                    "try changing XdpFlags::default() to "

    let mut blocklist: HashMap<_, u32, u32> =

    let block_addr: u32 = Ipv4Addr::new(1, 1, 1, 1).into();

    blocklist.insert(block_addr, 0, 0)?;

    info!("Waiting for Ctrl-C...");


Running our program

Now that we have all the pieces for our eBPF program, we can run it using:

RUST_LOG=info cargo xtask run


RUST_LOG=info cargo xtask run -- --iface <interface>

if you want to provide another network interface name. note that you can also use cargo xtask run without the rest, but you won't get any logging.